A list of some of the projects that I have created or cooperated on. Many of them are available on GitHub.
Solutions to Advent of Code 2024
- Description: Solutions to the Advent of Code exercises for 2024.
- Created: 2024-12-01
- Languages and tools: Python
- Links: GitHub, Czech blog post
Vim Syntax Highlighting for Jira Issues
- Description: A Vim syntax-highlighting file for issues in the Jira issue-tracking system.
- Created: 2024-02-03
- Languages and tools: Vim
- Links: GitHub, blog post
Solutions to Advent of Code 2023
- Description: Solutions to the Advent of Code exercises for 2023.
- Created: 2023-12-01
- Languages and tools: Python
- Links: GitHub
Solutions to Advent of Code 2020
- Description: Solutions to the Advent of Code exercises for 2020.
- Created: 2020-12-01
- Languages and tools: Go
- Links: GitHub, Czech blog post
- Description: A tool for obtaining statistics about a replica-set oplog of a MongoDB instance.
- Created: 2020-04-14
- Languages and tools: Rust
- Links: GitHub
Ask Me Anything
- Description: A lightweight experiment – ask me anything!
- Created: 2020-02-09
- Languages and tools: –
- Links: GitHub
- Description: Supportive material for my screencasts.
- Created: 2020-01-22
- Languages and tools: various
- Links: GitHub
- Description: A retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM.
- Open sourced: 2017-12-12 (the decompiler has been developed since 2011-04 in AVG and Avast)
- Co-Authors: Jakub Křoustek, Peter Matula, Marek Milkovič, Lukáš Ďurfina, and many other contributors
- Languages and tools: C++, Python, Bash
- Links: Official website, GitHub
Vim Syntax Highlighting for YARA Rules
- Description: A Vim syntax-highlighting file for YARA rules.
- Created: 2017-10-21
- Languages and tools: Vim
- Links: GitHub
retdec-rust – Rust Interface To the retdec.com REST API
- Description: A Rust library and tools providing easy access to the retdec.com decompilation service through their public REST API.
- Created: 2017-05-21
- Languages and tools: Rust
- Links: GitHub
- Description: Supportive material for some of my talks.
- Created: 2017-03-06
- Languages and tools: various
- Links: GitHub
ssdeep-rs – A Rust Wrapper for ssdeep
- Description: A Rust wrapper for ssdeep by Jesse Kornblum, which is a C library and program for computing context triggered piecewise hashes (also known as fuzzy hashes).
- Created: 2016-11-01
- Languages and tools: Rust
- Links: GitHub, blog post, crates.io
yabir – Yet Another Brainfuck Interpreter in Rust
- Description: Lately I have been learning Rust. As my first project, I decided to write a Brainfuck interpreter.
- Created: 2016-08-07
- Languages and tools: Rust
- Links: GitHub
Vim Syntax Highlighting for retdec.com Disassemblies
- Description: A Vim syntax-highlighting file for the output from the retdec.com‘s disassembler.
- Created: 2016-04-24
- Languages and tools: Vim
- Links: GitHub
retdec-cpp – C++ Interface To the retdec.com REST API
- Description: A C++ library and tools providing easy access to the retdec.com decompilation service through their public REST API.
- Created: 2015-12-06
- Languages and tools: C++14, cpp-netlib, Boost, jsoncpp
- Links: GitHub
ar-cpp – A C++ Library For Parsing of ar Archives
- Description: A C++ library for parsing of ar archives.
- Created: 2015-10-10
- Languages and tools: C++14
- Links: GitHub
retdec-python – Python Interface To the retdec.com REST API
- Description: A Python library and tools providing easy access to the retdec.com decompilation service through their public REST API.
- Created: 2015-09-13
- Languages and tools: Python, requests
- Links: GitHub, PyPI
weechat-notify-send – Sending Notifications In WeeChat
- Description: A WeeChat plugin that sends highlight and message notifications through notify-send.
- Created: 2015-06-21
- Languages and tools: Python
- Links: GitHub, blog post
git-edit-index – Using an Editor To Stage Files In Git
- Description: A git command that opens an editor to stage or unstage files, just like when you perform an interactive rebase. It thus represents a faster alternative to
git add -i
orgit gui
. - Created: 2015-05-23
- Languages and tools: Python
- Links: GitHub, blog post
retdec-sh – Shell interface the retdec.com REST API
- Description: Shell scripts for decompiling and analyzing binary files through the retdec.com decompilation service by using their public REST API.
- Created: 2015-01-31
- Languages and tools: Shell, curl
- Links: GitHub
cpp-bencoding – C++11 Bencoding Library
- Description: A C++11 bencoding library supporting both decoding and encoding. It provides a simple API for decoding, encoding, and pretty-printing of bencoded data. It is also extensible so you can write your own manipulation of the decoded data.
- Created: 2014-09-14
- Languages and tools: C++11
- Links: GitHub, blog post
Material For My Blogs
- Description: Source code and other material for my English and Czech blog posts.
- Created: 2014-06-21
- Languages and tools: various
- Links: GitHub
git-branch-viewer – Viwer of Git Branches
- Description: A Python WSGI viewer of branches in git repositories.
- Created: 2014-06-12
- Languages and tools: Python, Flask, HTML/CSS
- Links: GitHub
pygal-toggle-graphs – Toggle the Visibility of Graphs
- Description: A JavaScript module that allows you to toggle the visibility of graphs in the charts generated by pygal when viewing them in a browser.
- Created: 2014-03-31
- Languages and tools: JavaScript, pygal.js
- Links: GitHub, example
Vim Syntax Highlighting for Redmine Wiki
- Description: A Vim syntax-highlighting file for Redmine wiki.
- Created: 2013-10-16
- Languages and tools: Vim
- Links: GitHub
Redmine pwauth Plugin
- Description: Adds the pwauth authentication method to Redmine.
- Created: 2013-10-13
- Languages and tools: Ruby
- Links: GitHub
My Student Projects From FIT BUT
- Description: Some of my student projects from the time I studied at FIT BUT.
- Created: 2005 – 2010
- Languages and tools: many (C, C++, Python, Perl, Bash, Java, PHP, SQL, LaTeX, …)
- Links: GitHub
Lemke-Howson – Finding MNEs in 2-Player Games
- Description: A program for computing mixed Nash equilibrium (MNE) in 2-player games by using the Lemke-Howson algorithm.
- Created: 2009-10-24
- Languages and tools: Python
- Links: GitHub
bib_autocomp.vim – Autocompletion of BibTeX Entries
- Description: This Vim plugin does autocompletion of BibTeX entries in .bib files.
- Created: 2009-08-11
- Languages and tools: Vim
- Links: vim.org/scripts
AutoFenc – Automatic File Encoding Detector For Vim
- Description: A Vim plugin that tries to automatically detect and set the opened file’s encoding.
- Created: 2009-07-26
- Languages and tools: Vim
- Links: GitHub, vim.org/scripts
SHWS – Simple Haskell Web Server
- Description: A simple web server written in Haskell.
- Created: 2009-05-06
- Languages and tools: Haskell
- Links: GitHub
Serial-TCP/IP Bridge
- Description: A simple serial-TCP/IP bridge. This program starts a concurrent TCP/IP server and accepts client connections. When a client sends a message to the server, it redirects it to the serial port. When there is an incoming message on the serial port, it resends that message to all the connected clients.
- Created: 2009-05-03
- Languages and tools: C++
- Links: download, manual, program documentation
Bubble Shoooooter – 3D Game
- Description: A three-dimensional variant of the popular Linux game Frozen Bubble.
- Created: 2008-12-20
- Co-Authors: Ondřej Lengál, Libor Polčák, Boris Procházka
- Languages and tools: C++, Qt, Coin
- Links: download, screenshots: 1, 2, 3, program documentation, project documentation
FITReader – Simple RSS/ATOM Reader
- Description: A Simple RSS/ATOM reader. Support of many RSS/ATOM formats, localization (EN/CS), import/export of feeds from/to OPML, filtering, and many other features.
- Created: 2007-12-18
- Co-Authors: Libor Polčák
- Languages and tools: Python, wxWidgets (wxPython)
- Links: download, screenshot
Epidemic – Discrete Simulation of Epidemic Spreading
- Description: A discrete simulator of epidemic spreading. It is based on the model of a cellular automaton.
- Created: 2007-12-17
- Co-Authors: Libor Polčák
- Languages and tools: Python, gnuplot
- Links: download
proxyhttp – Simple HTTP Proxy
- Description: A simple HTTP proxy which forwards user requests and server responses.
- Created: 2007-10-20
- Languages and tools: C++, CPPUnit
- Links: download
Fire – Discrete Simulation of Fire Spreading
- Description: A discrete simulator of fire spreading through a forest based on distance, humidity etc. It is based on the model of a cellular automaton.
- Created: 2007-05-28
- Languages and tools: Python, TkInter
- Links: download
agents2007 – Agent System Simulator
- Description: A simulator of an agent system.
- Created: 2007-04-29
- Co-Authors: Ondřej Lengál, Libor Polčák, Boris Procházka
- Languages and tools: C++, wxWidgets
- Links: download, assignment, screenshot, program documentation, project documentation, help